Her interactive nancy drew meme
Her interactive nancy drew meme

The fact that LJ is still there is just smoke and mirrors and helps mislead people who are not in the know to conclude that it is just business as usual, when in reality it is anything but. I don't feel any loyalty to the company anymore because the company that we knew is gone.

her interactive nancy drew meme

Everything you have seen since has been a direct reflection of where Penny's priorities lie. She had taken one drastic step previous to SEA being completed, though, and that was getting rid of Lani Minella. When SEA was completed, the CEO launched this plan and the company has been forever changed and not for the better. I noticed yesterday that they have even changed some or all of the ND games' descriptions on their website, adding text and bullet points to try to make them sound more "educational." So, when Penny saw Odyssey, she thought if HeR were to distribute it, it might bring in some revenue and also further her STEM agenda at one and the same time. I hope I'm all kinds of wrong about MID though! I plan on waiting on some reviews to see if the thing actually works before I buy it.It is all about the new CEO, and how she has decided to try to turn the company into one that sells educational STEM products. Personally if I were an investor I'd be looking to cut my losses and run in the event of poor performance by MID. I don't think Her has a future unless they get rid of Penny, and unless MID is a huge success I can't see any board sticking with a CEO with her record the last 5 years, but if MID fails they might not have any money to incentivize anyone to come in and clean up the messes. I feel like we're all adults who started playing a long time ago at this point. hopefully one that can recapture the loyal fanbase that already exists and market well enough that younger people play and the base expands. Honestly I'm heartbroken at what's happened to Her but I'm starting to feel like our best case scenario is that Her folds and sells the rights to the Nancy Drew franchise to another company. It sounds like she pumped a ton of money that was supposed to be for MID into Codes & Clues which we all know was a massive fail and then couldn't afford to pay staff so she laid them all off (bc "unity"), then outsourced to the cheapest available options, which obviously have fallen behind every step of the way hence the multiple pushbacks. I think it all boils down to Penny's horrible management.

her interactive nancy drew meme

From what one of the former employees who's been around here said, the engine they were using was horribly out of date and did need changing. And I'm not sure what the deal with Unity was other than an excuse to lay off their in-house staff, since as others have pointed out several of those people had experience. first game I haven't preordered since I started playing) you're right. I think unless MID sells incredibly well (and given what we've seen I'm not optimistic. I hope I’m wrong, but this is my opinion. I’ve invested a lot of money in HeR, and I’d do it time and time again if it means I can play these beautiful games. This is why: I don’t know about you guys but I’ve repurchased games a handful of times, due to some discs getting damaged/lost or having online downloads expire. If they hadn’t switched CEOs and switched to Unity I truly believe we (the fans) would’ve been able to financially keep HeR afloat, and more games would’ve been released. It is truly a shame, because their fan base is so loyal and passionate about the games. In the games however, she has a second reason for helping the characters: That’s right. The only reason they’re pulling through is due to backlash and pressure from us fans. Have you ever noticed that Nancy often offers her help to the characters she is visiting She is a very helpful person Originally in the books it is because Nancy is a kind person. They release very empty and cheaply made screen grabs of the game itself.

her interactive nancy drew meme

After all these years they had to do the storyboard, animation, scenery, character development etc.

her interactive nancy drew meme

The website is an absolute mess, the message board has been “under maintenance” for a while now, and from what they’ve shared with us it seems MID is going be a low quality game. I believe after they release MID they’re going to go out of business.

Her interactive nancy drew meme